For Sale

The Walpole Nornalup and District Historical Society Inc has books and souvenirs for sale.
To purchase items:

  • Send an email with a Request to Purchase to: [tap here]
  • The email should include an address where the item(s) to be purchased is to be sent.
  • The Society Treasurer will email an invoice with payment information.
  • Make payment directly to the Society's bank account (preferred) or by surface mail.
  • The Society will mail the item(s) to you when payment of the invoice has been received.

Towards the West River

Towards the West River
Written by Lee and Geoff Fernie in 1987 and reproduced by the Walpole Nornalup and District Historical Society in 2023.
* Explorers, sealers and whalers
* TINGLEWOOD: The Thompson Family 1910-1956
* The Harbin Family
Drawing Original Tinglewood Homestead
175mm x 250mm (7ins x 10ins)
56 pages

An account with photos of settlement west of the Nornalup River referred to as the "West River" now known as the "Deep River".


plus postage and packaging.
Book cover: Rest Point Remebered

Rest Point Remembered

This is the true story of Tom Swarbrick and his family who dared to tackle the great forest bordering the Walpole inlet to establish a fine guest house: Rest Point (called Rendezvous until 1945).
The triumphs and tragedies are all interestingly documented with anecdotes from staff and guests.

First published in 2005 by Derek Hands. Photographs: Harley Swarbrick and Kim Swarbrick.
150mm x 230mm (6ins x 9ins)
180 pages

Black on white printing with colour images on cover and back page.


plus postage and packaging.
Book cover Trees that you could drive your car into

The Trees You Could Drive Your Car Into

Trees that you could drive your car into pp8-9
The Walpole-Nornalup National Park was declared in 1921 and extended many times. Roads and bridges enabled people and their vehicles into the area – to see the trees, especially the huge hollow-butt Red Tingles. They took photos of each other and their vehicles inside the "Big Trees". This book is a collection of some of those photos and their stories.
175mm x 250mm (7ins x 10ins)
48 pages

A collection of photos and stories of those trees (with thanks to 94 contributors).


plus postage and packaging.
Tracks in the Sand book cover

Tracks in the Sand

2pm, Wednesday 19th June 1988:
Near Saddle Island a gigantic rogue wave that had “risen out of nothing” hit the boat side on: “Effortlessly it flipped us over. And that was it.” They were in the sea!
Mark Channer tells of a crushing and heart-breaking three hours of dogged determination to reach land. Exhausted they managed to get to the rocky shore but Ed was overcome by the whirling ebb and flow of the sea amidst rocks and seaweed.
A story of compassionate action, involving many identities from Walpole and Nornalup, for Mark’s survival and the retrieval of Ed. Ed’s body was found three days later on Circus Beach. Mark was in the group that found him.
A5: 148mm x 210mm
48 pages

19th June 1998:
Mark Channer tells first hand of a tragedy on this day.


plus postage and packaging.
Battling the Karri book cover

Battling the Karri

Bert Stewart was allocated a block in the Walpole Land Settlement Scheme. The block was covered with heavy Karri trees.
Bert, Katie and their four children (aged 9-7) arrived by train at Nornalup in 1931.
Bert Stewart and Fred Palmer (another Walpole Land Settlement pioneer:  Fred Palmer's story ) were amongst the first to get cows in Walpole.
It was hard work to establish a farm and keep it going but they made good progress.
This is their story.
Written by Derek Hands.
A5: 148mm x 210mm
48 pages

The story of a settler family in the Walpole Land Settlement Scheme 1930.


plus postage and packaging.
BTH history book cover

Two books from BTH

The BTH Ladies Club was formed in 1961.

BTH Country Coooking book cover
Its main object was to link farming women of three districts: Bowbridge, Tingledale and Hazelvale. Membership grew and soon the club was meeting at the Tingledale hall on the first Friday of each month – as it does to this day.

History of BTH Ladies Club is an interesting and varied record of events, stories and photos through fifty years (1961-2011).

Two A5 bound booklets

History of BTH Ladies Club has 90 pages with photos and other memorabilia.

BTH Country Cooking has 114 pages


for each book plus postage and packaging.