banner president report 2023

Elizabeth Shaw

to the
3rd December 2023

2023 has been a successful year for the Society

Tingledale Centenary 1924 – 2024

In 2024 Tingledale celebrates 100 Years since the first Group 116 Settlers arrived. A celebration will be held at Tingledale Hall – 1st, 2nd, 3rd June 2024 (Long weekend). More details to come in the new year.

Walpole Volunteer Marine Rescue Group

In April 2023 WVMRG informed our community via the Walpole Weekly that their Rescue Vessel ‘Harlequin’ was being replace after 15 years of service – and was requesting a name for the new boat – this was discussed at our April committee meeting and the Society put forward ‘Swarbrick’, in honour of the Swarbrick family. A letter from WVMGR dated 9th November 2023 was received informing the Society ‘Swarbrick’ was accepted and the new boat was officially named and blessed at – Thank a Volunteer Day – Blessing of the Fleet Saturday 2nd December 2023.

St John Ambulance Walpole-Nornalup Sub Centre

A mural was positioned on the front of the St John building in Nockolds Street, Walpole, by St John committee, acknowledging history of the centre and the people who volunteered, to provide the service to the isolated community of Walpole, Nornalup and districts. On request the Society was able to help with some local history for this project.

Walpole Library Change of Name

New name is Elizabeth Gerner – Walpole Library. In recognition of a lifetime of dedicated community service a renaming celebration for Elizabeth Gerner Walpole Library will take place at the Library 2 Pier St, Walpole. Thursday 14th December 2023 from 11.00am-12.30pm. Elizabeth was a Foundation Member of the Historical Society and had great interest in the history of the area. Elizabeth Gerner was a Life Member of the Historical Society.

Visitor Centre TV Display Unit Replacement

32” BLAUPUNKT TV – Purchased from Walpole Post Office by the Society at discount price $249, replacement for TCL TV display unit which was purchased by Society with help of Op Shop funding in 2016 for the Visitors Centre for local history display.

Italian Oven - c.1959 – 1960

David O’Brien of Hunter Road North Walpole mentioned to the Society about a bread oven located on his farm, he thought it had been built in the 1940’s. David invited the committee to view the bread oven. On research it is assumed the oven was built by an Italian family, Vito Marcello who owned the property 1959-1960.

Rail Trail – Denmark Historical Society

Denmark Historical Society informed the Society about their current project, a Rail Trail which extends from the Hay River to Nornalup. Heritage signs, includes maps, photos and history notes will be placed along the trail at all heritage sites. Nornalup and Marks Siding included. Ross and Bev McGuinness visited committee at the ‘Homestead’ 18th November 2023 and explained the project. Very interesting!

Walpole Museum

Progress continues in regard to the Walpole Museum. Approval and some site plans were received from Shire of Manjimup earlier in the year. First meeting arranged 4th October 2023 in Walpole with Roger Menezes, Baysan Construction, Collie. It was an introduction with Roger and committee, discuss planning, view site, Shannon sheds etc. Roger has sent preliminary drawings for initial consideration 6th October 2023. Ongoing.

Antique Lincoln Welder

Lincoln welder 150 Amp PTO (Power Take Off or Belt Driven) c.1950. Taken to Walpole Work Camp for clean up, tidy up and restore some parts. Ready for display in future when required. Original trailer that the welder was on, no longer required by owner and can go to the tip.

Mandalay wreck exposed August 2023
Mandalay wreck exposed August 2023
 Tap to expand.

‘Mandalay’ Wreck exposed August 2023

‘Mandalay’ Was wrecked 15th May 1911 - Wreck exposed August 2023 – WNDHS Curator of Photographs – Don Burton viewed and took photos of the exposed wreck Thursday 31st August 2023. Word is ‘Mandalay’ was exposed Winter 2021, Historical Society not aware at that time.


Varied items of historical interest continue to be donated to the Society.

Total items listed – 102

Website Enquires Received

Allen family history, Walpole – Further family history requested ie. Rose Allen Haberdashery Shop, Walpole 1934 – 1950. Sent to Lisa Allen. Also, further Allen family history sent to Lisa Allen by relatives Delys and Trevor Ravenhill. Sept Sweeny family history – Sent to Greg Branson and advised to contact Landgate WA for further information. Frank Collins requesting Walpole Catholic Church history, some information sent. Liz Willemsen – Requesting Colin Story’s ‘Between the Trees’ European settlement of Walpole and surrounding districts. Video. Sent.

Walpolian Newsletter

Four issues per year, Summer, Autunm, Winter, Spring. Sent to members also to Royal Western Australian Historical Society in Perth, State Library WA and Denmark Historical Society. We receive History West monthly from RWAHS and Koorabup quarterly from Denmark Historical Society. RWAHS Affiliates News - March 2023 and November 2023.

Book Sales

Book sales over the past year have again been pleasing, includes new book ‘Towards the West River’ by Lee and Geoff Fernie. We have had reprint of ‘Rest Point Remembered’ and ‘Tracks in the Sand’. ‘A Hazelvale History’ by Dawn Martin can be ordered through the Society.

Library/Walpole Nornalup Visitor Centre Displays

Library displays are ongoing; Society arranges displays of local historical interest for our community and visitors to enjoy. Walpole Nornalup Visitor Centre display remains unchanged.

‘Homestead’ Inventory 2023

A requirement by Walpole Community Resource Centre – Inventory of ‘Homestead’ contents – 5th July 2023. Copy email to Cherie Smith, Walpole Community Resource Centre. Monday 10th July 2023.

Displays to Powerpoint

Displays to Powerpoint – Ongoing

WNDHS – Public Liability Insurance Requirement

Certificate of Insurance with Rainbow Coast Insurance Brokers, Albany. Renewal - 17th June 2023. Public Liability Insurance cover to 20th June 2024.


Our sincere thanks again to Helen and Ian Gallash who generously provide popular homemade preserves, Jams, Pickles and Chutneys, on sale at Walpole Community Resource Centre.

We thank Walpole Community Resource Centre for their continued assistance with sales. WNDHS has a Donation Box in the Visitors Centre and cash donations are always welcomed.

Bill Armstrong

It is with sadness that Bill Armstrong passed away 26th November 2023.

Bills family were early settlers of Walpole and Bill had great knowledge of the history of the area. Bill was a past member of the Historical Society.

Valued Members

As mentioned at the beginning of my report it has been a successful year for the Society and I would like to thank our valued members for their ongoing support.

WNDHS Committee

My sincere thanks go to our dedicated committee, for their commitment, time and excellent work over the past year, 2023.

Elizaberh Shaw
Walpole Nornalup and District Historical Society Inc
Sunday 3rd December 2023