Silver Chain
provided by Jenny Willcox November 2019
The Silver Chain Bush Nursing Post first opened in February 1974. Not until 1988 did the incumbent nursing sister, Mavis Winfield, call a community meeting to float the idea of a supportive local branch committee—”who knows, we might even work towards acquiring a Silver Chain owned car—Ha! Ha! - you wish!”. The idea was received enthusiastically but it was left to Mavis, Chris Bellanger and Sylvia Kirk to do the leg work. Fundraising for little extras was and is one aspect of the committee’s activities, but support for the nurse and liaison between her/him and the community is another important role. The Committee grew in strength and members till the purchase of a vehicle was mooted, seriously this time.
Two years later, in 1994, our first car was purchased with help from Silver Chain Foundation in Perth, who also pick up the running costs and make the choices.
The car is exchanged every two years—and the second vehicle we now have is a hire car, using some of our Federal Grant monies. After the car purchase was achieved there were a few quiet years though the Committee continued to raise funds to send our nurses to annual remote staff conferences, petty cash, Walpole Weekly costs, a wheel chair, baby scales, defibrillator, waiting room amenities and more.
It was nurse Richard Walker who motivated Silver Chain in Perth to apply for Federal funds to finance auxiliary services at our centre. This application was successful and the range of services available in Walpole has increased considerably.
The committee has given support and backing at all stages. So keen were we to help , that late in 2002 we were asked to raise $30,000 being half the cost of outfitting the new centre which is still on the drawing board. In pursuit of this goal we have run a fundraising function every month this year from Fashion Parade to Sausage Sizzle at Valley of the Giants. The community’s support has been tremendous—how about joining us—and perhaps come up with some new ideas. Mostly we have meetings as we need them, either monthly or bi-monthly.